18 Feb 13

By Project Your Bubble for LIPetPlace.com

In 2013 Teach Your Pet This One Life-Saving Thing

Protect Your Bubble identifies the most important command every dog (and dog parent) should know

Every year we set new goals for ourselves – lose weight, get healthy, land a promotion, find that special someone.  But what about our dogs – should we set goals for them?  The folks at Protect Your Bubble pet health insurance brand say yes!  And they’ve narrowed it down to one very important thing.  In fact, it’s one of the most important things you can ever teach your dog – it could save his or her life one day.

It’s called emergency recall and most pet loving families have neglected to teach Fido this command for a number of reasons – it can be tough to train, it can be boring (for your dog) to learn, and it’s not used very often.  But boy will your tail be wagging when you need to use it and your dog listens.

An ‘emergency recall’ command is very different from a ‘come when called’ command, according to pet behaviorist and certified dog trainer Kate Jackson with Jabula Dog Academy.  “Dogs are used to hearing the word ‘come’ and often there are strings attached – they’re in trouble, they’re leaving the dog park or they’re headed to the vet.  Because the ‘come here’ command is used so often, many dogs decide to ignore it to avoid the consequences it may bring.  That’s why teaching an emergency recall is so important – it’s the ‘drop everything you are doing and come running back to me immediately’ command.

Watch behaviorist Kate Jackson discuss this command.

This command should be reserved for emergencies ONLY – your dog is running into traffic or headed towards a dogfight or an aggressive or dangerous situation.  “It’s extremely important not to overuse this command so your dog doesn’t become conditioned to ignore it,” says Kate.  “He or she should come immediately when this command is used, no questions asked.  In the event of an emergency, it could be the difference between life and death.”

“As a pet health insurer, we see many injuries that could have been avoided,” says Stephen Ebbett, President of Protect Your Bubble.  “Believe it or not, ninety two percent of pets will experience a severe accident or emergency in their lifetime. We believe that an emergency recall command can save our pet-loving customers a lot of heartache.  It’s not a very well known command, so we want to spread the word.  It’s a great goal for 2013 – teach your pet this one life-saving thing.”

If you don’t already use an emergency recall command and you’ve trained your dog to do other tasks, this command can be taught by using positive reinforcement and repetition.  If you’re not comfortable training your dog, Protect Your Bubble recommends searching for a certified trainer in your area and finding one with whom you and your pooch are comfortable. And remember, for those with a Protect Your Bubble pet health insurance policy, behaviorists can be covered under certain policies, so give us a call to find out (toll free 1-855-792-7387). Training this command will help ensure a healthy and happy year with your beloved furry family members.

About Protect Your Bubble

Headquartered in Atlanta, GA, Protect Your Bubble is available online, via mobile app or phone, and allows consumers to understand, buy and protect what’s most important to them. The insurance company offers the following types of insurance plans: Pet, Car Rental Insurance, Travel and Gadget.  Pet plans provide up to 90 percent reimbursement for covered vet charges for eligible accidents, illnesses, hereditary conditions and behavioral treatments and alternative therapies. They allow owners to visit any licensed vet in the country. Additionally, annual deductible options start at $100 which only need to be met once per plan year.

This is a sponsored post for LIPetPlace.com to teach a life saving command to your dog.

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