Comments Off on Peek inside Hamptons Homes, ARF Garden Tour!
21 Jun 16

Peek inside Hamptons Homes, ARF Gard ...

by Nancy E. Hassel,

The 30th Annual ARF (Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons) Garden Tour took place this Saturday in the towns of Wainscott and Sagaponack in the Hamptons.   I believe this is my 4th time going, I feel like this was the best year yet.

We joked at the first house, that we didn’t need to go to any other houses, because the Landis house was pure bliss, the gardens the pool, the view overlooking Georgica Pond, frankly I don’t even remember looking at the house at all!  It was exactly what you think of when you think of summering in the Hamptons – and why some people would just be happy staying at their homes – so much to do on that property, really no need to leave!

I have said it before, if you have yet to go, be sure to go next year – you will not be disappointed!  (And as a pet pro – it’s such a cool way to host a fundraiser for pets, because you tap into an entirely different crowd – not just pet parents. Wheels spinning yet with ideas?) 🙂  Enjoy the photos, link on bottom to access all pictures:

Beautiful lines of flowes adorn the sides of the pool

Upon entering the backyard, you see Georgica Pond and the end of the pool

View from the garden surrounding the poorhouse

From behind the pool house looking at the main house

Pink Roses, lots of them

Heading to the pond

Canoe and kayak ready to go in the water!

Beautiful view

To see MANY more pictures of the amazing houses and gardens, CLICK HERE!

Comments Off on How to help animal rescues
16 Nov 14

How to help animal rescues ...

By Nancy E. Hassel,

Over the past couple of weeks has visited, (or re-visited in some cases), some of our municipal animal shelters, private animal rescues and attended an adoptathon this past weekend.  While I am not in the trenches of rescue like so many wonderful people here are – I do what I can.  I donate what I can.  Whether that donation is time, promotion of animals in need of homes via the Pet Events Newsletter or on social media, or by connecting people who I think would be a great match, through product donations and monetary donations.  If you are able to do one thing a day, a week, or one thing a month – it will help.  The needs of the animals in rescue is a daily commitment – and our rescues could use your help.   Many adoptable dogs, cats, horses and other pets who sit waiting for a home in our LI shelters.  Some have been in our shelters for 2, 3, 4 and even met at dog that has been in a shelter 6 years.  6 years.

While visiting the Town of North Hempstead Animal Shelter recently, and getting the full tour from Dr. Bob Slifkin of The Shelter Connection, (the non-profit volunteer group that works with the shelter), – it is a great animal shelter.  It is very clean, they have fantastic programs training dogs getting them ready for their forever homes, their have a good adoption rate, nature trails that the dogs get to go on walks or play groups in, a room that is like a room you would find in a home for dogs to get adjusted to and more.  But it is still a shelter – and there are a lot of great dogs waiting there.   The day I visited there were 2 German Shepards, a Beagle (there is always a Beagle at every shelter!), a little white poodle (who was scared out of it’s mind, poor thing), a Yorkie, a Bulldog (was just adopted), a Husky, 2 Cane Corsos (goregous and friendly), a Pointer mix (who was so sweet), and beautiful Pit Bulls and pit mixes – who the majority were wiggle butts, calm, sat when asked.  Bob told me a lot of the dogs personalities and, “while that dog may be barking, once out of the kennel – the best dog.”  About another pit bull Prince – there 2 years, Bob said, “That is the best trained dog in the kennel, and incredibly smart,” – and guess what, Prince is a Pit Bull.

This scruffy little guy was at the Town of North Hempstead Animal Shelter – go there to see if he is still waiting for a home!

Prince – so sweet, calm and at the shelter for 2 years.

So how can you help?

What can you do if you can’t adopt or foster?

  • Maybe you can volunteer at a local shelter to help walk a dog, or put your skills to use.  Often times animal rescue groups need people to volunteer their professional skills – and not be another dog walker.
  • My suggestion, is contact a local rescue – how can you help?  What skills are they looking for?  Go to a volunteer orientation.  I have a friend who is a mom of 6-year old triplets and makes the time to go 2-days a week to volunteer at the shelter and attends events when she can!  Maybe the rescue needs help with their social media pages, website, grant writing, public relations, or needs product donations – perhaps you could be the facilitator to help them get more of their needs met.
  • Are you a teacher?  Maybe one of your school projects could be collecting donations that your local animal shelter or rescue group needs.  Contact the shelter near you and find out what they need help with.
  • Are you a carpenter?  Maybe the local animal shelter needs houses for the feral cats they take care of, or the horse rescue needs repairs at their barn.
  • Love taking photo’s?  Animal rescues are always happy to work with a great photographer to capture the essence of the pets for adoption.

There are so many ways to help, and the help needed is endless.

This handsome fella is available for adoption at ARF (Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons).

Brooklyn who is available at the Town of North Hempstead Animal Shetler.  Brooklyn, what can I say, what a sweet, calm, smart and beautiful dog.  He sat for this photo before I even had the chance to ask him to sit.    He has been at the shelter for about 2 years.

Squeaky a sweet cuddle bug who is available for adoption at the Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons.  He has been there about a year.

Emmy – OMD (That’s Oh My Dog!) What a sweetheart!! She is at the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter. She likes people and dogs, and while she may have barked while in her crate at the adoption, once out – super calm and oh so sweet.  She just met me and let me put this coat on her! (Who knew it was going to fit her perfectly and I think Purple is her color don’t you!)  She also is small – so if you looking for pint sized wiggle butt – here ya go! (Black dogs get over looked the most at shelters.)

This little peanut mixed breed is at the Town of North Hempstead Animal Shelter – again another sweet dog!

This adorable fella is up for adoption at the Town of Brookhaven Animal Shelter – a shelter that is bursting at the seems with dogs.

BRUCE!!! Love, love, love this goofball of a dog!  The only reason Bruce barked at all in his cage, is because he wanted attention.  When I sat next to him while he was barking, I said, “You’re a big phony baloney aren’t you? You silly phony baloney!” And with that he flopped on his side, and was non-stop waggin his tail.  See another picture of him below.  He is not big, not sure what he is mix with – we were guessing Bull Mastiff and Beagle! He is available at the Town of Hempsead Animal Shelter.  Likes dogs and people.

To see many more pictures, please Click here!

And let us know how you help by posting a comment!  Or if you are rescue what your needs are.
A big thanks to ARF for putting on the adoption event over the weekend – to their staff and volunteers and a big thanks to all the volunteers who are out there day after day helping!

Squeakys paw by the way – he was a love bug!

Comments Off on Pets events, Hamptons Style
27 May 14

Pets events, Hamptons Style ...

by Nancy E. Hassel,

The official start to summer has begun and with it are many, many pet events taking place all across our isle.  Just this past weekend I attended two events in the Hamptons were all about pets, the Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation (SASF), had a wine tasting benefit at the Southampton Center, (former Parish Art Museum), where celebrities, the mayor of Southampton and many supporters came out to enjoy the early evening benefit.  As you enterd you were greeted by some of their precious shelter animals that are for adoption too.  One blue pit bull had the best ears I have seen – think French bulldog ears on a pit!  This dog was so, so sweet and cute – they currently have about 200 animals available for adoption.  If you have never been to their shelter located in Hampton Bays – you should – it is a beautiful facility and they emplore play groups with many of their dogs so they are socialized!

From there the SASF event in Southampton, I then headed to the Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons, (ARF), annual Designer Showcase at their beautiful thrift store in Sagaponack (located minutes from Bridgehampton village).  The house turned thrift store has each room decorated by different interior designers, each with a different flare – something for everyone to enjoy.  Not to mention the adorable pets they too had on hand in their mobile unit.  I personally wanted to take home the two 8-week old sibling kittens that were having a blast playing with each other. OMC (That’s Oh My Cat people!) they were just too cute. If you missed the showcase – that’s ok you can stop in the thrift store anytime seven days a week and shop and know your purchases are going towards rescue animals.

This summer while out on the east end, be sure to pick up a copy of the much anticipated Hamptons Pet Magazine which will be available the 3rd week of June (on or about June 25th).  This premeir collectors edition issue will feature: Pet Culture; Health & Wellness; Grooming; Travel; Training; Celebrity Insights; Seasonal Health; Pet Fashion; Animal Rescue & Welfare; High Tech Pets and more. The ultimate Summer magazine for Pets and People and written by local and national pet writers.

If you are one to summer in the Hamptons, or visit for a weekend or two – you definitely want to check out the upcoming pet events below and don’t forget about the North Fork – which also offer many wonderful events starting with this weekend at Baiting Hollow Farm Horse Rescue’s ‘The Mane Event’ benefitting their Horse Rescue taking place on Friday, May 30, 2014 at 7pm. Click here for info.

Here are a few upcoming East End events:

And be sure to sign up for our weekly Pet Events Newsletter so you do miss any events happening in the tri-state area and beyond! SIGN UP HERE!

Comments Off on ARF Garden Tour in the Hamptons!
16 Jun 13

ARF Garden Tour in the Hamptons! ...

by Nancy E. Hassel,

It was a spectacular day Saturday June 15, 2013 on the east end of Long Island to take part in the Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons 27th Annual Garden Tour and cocktail reception.  The weather was impeccable just as the gardens were.  After all the rain we have had in the last week, touring estates in East Hampton and their beautiful gardens to help support the wonderful work ARF does on a perfect weather day was fantastic! Plus you get a lot of ideas for your own garden too.

So what is the garden tour? It is a self-guided tour through the properties of 6 estates who’s owners generously open their gates to let people walk through and admire the beauty of their grounds.  From 10 am – 4pm the general public can buy a garden tour pass from ARF to take the lovely self guided tour and all proceeds go to help ARF’s adoptable animals – and continue the great work they do, for nearly 40 years!  The tour happens every year in a different Hamptons location, this year it was in East Hampton and the garden styles vary from house to house and are very unique with native plants and exotic plants too.  See below for more!

This home had beautiful pathways leading up to a spectacular pool complete with a pool house, and paths
beyond it that lead to a tennis court and the rest of the grounds of the house.

Adorable Doxie greeting guests as they arrived!

This year the tour was held at the homes of: Barrie Berg & Antonio Munoz, Dwyer & Michael Derrig,
Alexandra Munroe & Robert Rosenkranz, Jan & Randy Slifka, Craig James Socia, Peter Wilson & Scott Sanders.

We saw one couple do the tour on bike which is a great way to do it, otherwise you have to drive from house to house.
I am thinking next year would be great to view the houses via my bicycle!

Barbara Slifka co-chair of the ARF Garden Tour with Sara Davison Executive Director of ARF

ARF cocktail reception at a home right on Main street in East Hampton village. Many supporters were on
hand as well as the adorable pups below that are available for adoption through ARF.

Marc Fichandler Co-Chair of the Garden Tour with Lynn Lehocky committee member of the Garden Tour

To see MORE Pictures of the tour, click here!
For more information about ARF and to attend the garden tour next year, click here.

Comments Off on East End big adoption event!
08 Apr 13

East End big adoption event! ...

By Nancy E. Hassel,

The 2nd Annual ‘Long Island’s Best’ adoption event hosted by ARF (Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons) was held at the Riverhead Polish Hall on Saturday, April 6th, 2013.  In addition to ARF there were other Long Island rescue groups on hand with many adorable dogs, cats, puppies and a couple kittens looking for furever homes.

The rescue groups at the event were:

Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons (ARF)

Kent Animal Shelter

Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter

North Fork Animal Welfare League

Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation

RSVP – Animal Rescue & Welfare Group

Were you at the adoption event? Did you adopt a pet?  Would love to hear from you in the comments section below!