Comments Off on Wildlife-Long Island, Pictures
04 Apr 14

Wildlife-Long Island, Pictures ...

by Nancy E. Hassel, (All photo’s are property of and taken by me!)

Wildlife on Long Island – it’s here, and not to hard to find, if you stop and pay attention.  I often post photo’s of wildlife on my Facebook page and much of the reaction is – where do you go to take that picture?  Is that on Long Island?  I never see anything like that.  We get caught up in our every day hustle and bustle of life, but if you are not stopping to look and appreciate the wildlife around you, you are seriously missing out.

Here are some pictures from the past 6-months or so in various locations around Long Island:

This red fox was on the boardwalk at the beach – but you may have noticed there seem to be Fox’s running around everywhere on the South Shore of LI in the last year or so.

Snowy Owl – not native to Long Island, but we had them all over the south shore beaches this winter – what a treat to see in person.

White Tailed Deer – Love seeing deer on LI – say what you want but they are to be treasured!

White Breasted-Nuthatch – common in your own backyard – but this guy was at a wildlife sanctuary on the East End.

This rabbit was actually pretty big for what I normally see – guessing he has plenty of food supply around.

Long Tailed Duck in flight over Sag Harbor waters.

Seal swimming in the waters off of Westhampton Beach.

Ok so this guy I photographed last spring!

Cardinal – one of about 30 nearby at wildlife sanctuary on the east end of LI.

This turtle was spying on me while I was taking pictures…

Red-tailed Hawk circling over Gardiners Park in Bay Shore – another good reason to keep your dogs leashed!

Ok, I know this is gross, but it is nature or wildlife on LI.  We came across this checkered Garter Snake last spring around this time of year, while out walking our dogs, my friend jumped a few feet in the air when we saw it! At first I thought it was a snake with front legs, (it was early in the morning people!), then I realized it was eating that toad…poor little guy was blinking and trying to get away.  And that was a decent size snake for LI – usually you see the little Garter snakes – but this was a first for me, the snake and him eating right in the middle of the trail. Yuck and cool at the same time.  (Still feel bad for the toad, but that is nature).

This is just a sampling of pictures of the wildlife around you here on Long Island – I dare you to get out there and slow down, and look around!  You might even spot some bald eagles too!

Comments Off on Bird Owner’s Selling Your Home?
19 Jul 11

Bird Owner’s Selling Your Home ...

by Susan Chamberlain of 14KaratParrot

Bird Owner’s Guide to Selling Your Home

Are you planning to sell your home this year? Watch any television program geared toward helping people sell their homes, and you’ll learn that one of the first pieces of advice realtors give is “Relocate the pets!” It isn’t always practical to move the pets out for open houses and showings, and if you have numerous birds, it may be close to impossible.

This is the one time you can look at your birds as part of the décor. Use them to enhance the ambience of your home. I’ve sold two homes with most of my birds present. The first house was in New York and quite small, so I boarded my four Amazon parrots with a friend during the open house. The macaw, Senegal parrots and budgies remained in the house-for-sale and didn’t seem to detract from the showing. Because the ‘green gang’ and their cages were absent, the space looked larger, and the house was peaceful and quiet.

My parrots actually added to the appeal of my house in Florida. It was a piling house surrounded by tropical foliage on a barrier island, and the birds fit right in. Several of them were on the screened porch, and the Amazons and macaw were indoors. Large windows and sliding glass doors brought the outside in, and the birds seemed to be a natural part of the décor. Cages and surrounding areas were kept scrupulously clean at all times so that the house could be shown on 30 minutes notice. Consider marketing your home as your new full-time job. Estimate how long it will take to get your house ready for impromptu showings, and let your realtor know how much lead time you’ll require.

Buyers are waiting for great deals in a sluggish market and there are a lot of homes for sale, but you can compete. The first impression is the lasting impression. What will the buyer see first? A jumble of cages, bird food and play stands in the living room won’t pass muster, especially if the potential buyer isn’t a ‘bird person’.  Before you even call a Realtor®, convert your bird room back into a dining room or den. Remove the swings and perches hanging from the ceiling and stow the assortment of parrot paraphernalia that’s cluttering your bookshelves. Shampoo or replace carpeting. Green stains will not go over well.

Yvonne Papaemanuel a Licensed Sales Agent and Certified Buyer Representative (LSA/CBR) with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in Ronkonkoma, NY agreed. “They’re our pets and we love them, but it doesn’t mean the potential buyer does. Cleanliness is key to everything, right alongside de-cluttering. Put all pet food and accessories away.”

Realtor® Janie Howland, an associate with Re/Max of the Islands on Sanibel Island, FL, concurred. “With any animal, I ask the seller to make the pet area as clean as possible. You don’t want people walking over bird seed or smelling pet odors. One advantage of birds over cats and dogs is that there’s virtually no odor.

“In my experience, most people like birds, but some might be put off by a very loud bird. In that case, I might move the cage to the smallest bedroom, or the den — to a room that isn’t the focal point of the home,” continued Frese. “I wouldn’t want a home that is perfect in every way to be remembered as the ‘house with that awful bird in it’! If the sellers are motivated, they should do whatever they can to minimize the negative impact of their animals. They know how their pets react to strangers coming into the room. For instance, covering the cage might keep a loud bird quiet.”

Once your house is in contract, you can begin looking for your new home. Are you looking at a development or a condo? Review the rules regarding noise and pets. Are you planning an outdoor aviary? Check the zoning regulations.  Do you want cathedral ceilings so your macaw will have plenty of headroom?  A roll-in shower for bird cages? A sunporch for your cockatiels? Happy house hunting!

Biting and Other Problems

If you have aggressive birds, post signs in front of cages warning people away. Ms. Papaemanuel suggested keeping it friendly with something like, “We know we’re cute, but please don’t touch!”

Tell your agent not to allow people to poke at the birds, or remain in the house to supervise if you feel it’s necessary. “It’s better to be absent during showings,” according to Papaemanuel, “because it makes it easier for potential buyers to imagine the home as their own. If you remain in the home, tend to the pets but leave all the talking to the agent. Don’t hover. Stay out of the way. On the plus side, there may be some questions that need answering and you can do so on the spot.”

Janie Howland addressed another situation that occurs quite frequently. “When another realtor shows one of my listings and there are animals present, I warn them about what to expect. I instruct the realtor to control the client. I tell them not to approach the cage and not to stick their fingers in the cage. If I have any misgivings, I’ll accompany them to the showing.” (It should be noted that Ms. Howland sells homes on an island where it is not unusual to encounter 6-foot iguanas on a porch or pet peacocks in the yard!)

Some people are superstitious about birds indoors. Others may be fearful. Ask your Realtor® to advise potential clients that you have pet birds prior to a showing, and if necessary, arrange to temporarily relocate the feathered members of your family.

“During an open house, you never know who’s coming through, so you can’t forewarn potential buyers that birds are present,” said Papaemanuel. “Keep the attention off the birds, even if you need to cover them during an open house. Keep the focus on the house.”


In general, people perceive exotic birds as valuable. Don’t include your birds in virtual tour or online photos, especially if the address of your home is included in the listing. Using a real estate agent makes it more likely that prospects will be screened to some degree.

“Don’t mention pending trips, work schedules or other away-from-home activities in front of prospective buyers,” Yvonne Papaemanuel advised, “Remove daily calendars and phone numbers from sight. If a buyer asks you about availability for a future showing, say you’ll get back to the sales agent with the information.  You never know who’s walking into your house. For added security, work with certified buyer’s agent. That agent is working for the buyer, much like a personal shopper and the buyer is going to be screened and pre-approved.”

Bird owner’s Top Ten Selling Tips

De-clutter.  Pack non-essential items and stack boxes neatly in the garage or other non-living area. If necessary, rent a storage unit. Store bird carriers, travel cages, play stands and other avian ‘furniture’ out of sight.  Potential buyers will open cabinet doors and drawers. Make sure bird food is neatly organized in a designated space.

De-personalize: Remove family photos and personal items from view. Yes, you can leave that gorgeous macaw portrait over the fireplace, but remove and store knick-knacks and other decorative avian items. Take your beloved “Beware of Attack Parrot” sign down and pack it away for you next home.

Deodorize. Healthy birds and clean cages are not odiferous. Make sure cages are pristine. Wash floors, shampoo the rugs, launder draperies and bedding and don’t smoke indoors. One of the first things prospective buyers notice is how the house smells. Simmer a little potpourri on the stove prior to a showing, and open the windows for fresh air.

Dust! Be aware that people with allergies may look at your home. Mist your birds daily to reduce dander. Change cage tray paper just prior to a showing. Use an electronic air filter to further reduce airborne allergens. Change or wash air conditioner filters frequently, and vacuum daily. When possible, open windows during showings.

Advertise in bird related publications and on avian websites. What makes your home ideal for your birds may attract a buyer with birds. My current home has a 28 foot conservatory style room that’s perfect for birds and it’s right up the hill from a top-notch bird store!

Are your birds nervous around strangers?  Cover the cages or advise people not to approach them. Take your bird out for a ride during showings or relocate your pet to a friend’s house.

Noisy birds?  Relocate to a friend’s or cover the cages. Play soft background music to soothe the tropical soul.

Do you have an unused area to relocate birds, such as finished basement, enclosed porch or playroom?  Designate that area as a temporary bird room.

Move cage to a large room or area so it doesn’t dominate the room. Buy some large, inexpensive potted palms at Home Depot and place them strategically near cages for a tropical look.

Is your bird’s cage beginning to look shabby? This is the ideal time to purchase a new one. Think of it as a ‘home improvement’ that will help sell your house!

©Susan Chamberlain 2011–No part of this article may be reprinted or reproduced without the express, written permission of the author.

Comments Off on Traveling or Moving, with pet birds?
16 Apr 11

by Susan Chamberlain of 14KaratParrot

Traveling or Moving, with pet birds?

Planning to travel with your bird? Whether it’s a vacation or relocation, the trip can be a positive experience for both of you. My first long-distance move with a carload of parrots was a revelation. In spite of my insecurities (Would the birds eat? Would they be traumatized?), my flock traveled extremely well. I had even believed the Amazons would be stressed to the point of silence during the trip. At the first bridge plaza they proved me wrong and gave the toll collector an earful. Four moves and 15 years later, the “green gang” is still thriving.

Okay, you’ve got the travel cage or carrier, cover, portable T-stand and first aid kit. Now it’s time to think about food and water. Tailor my “Top Ten” list to you specific needs:

#1. Resist the urge to share “fast food”, or even restaurant food with your birds! Sure, that burger you got at the drive-through is delicious, but it may be contaminated with enough e-coli to make your bird desperately ill. Tasty tacos, embellished with cheese and salsa may be loaded with enough sodium to cause salt toxicity. You’re miles from a familiar veterinarian. What now? Tempt your pet with tasty avian snacks at meal stops instead.

#2. Bring along a supply of bottled water for your bird to drink. Water supplies along your route may be ‘safe’ to drink, but may upset the system of a possibly stressed bird. You’ll rarely know in advance if the water along your route is well water or reservoir supplied. If you plan to use commercially bottled water, get your bird accustomed to it before your departure date. Alternatively, you can boil, then bottle your regular drinking water in clean jugs or smaller water bottles for use along the way. Once at your destination, you can gradually introduce your bird to the local water. I’ve done this by mixing increasing quantities of local water with water brought from home.

Portable water filters are available at variety and home improvement stores. Consider taking one of these along if you’ll be on an extended trip.

Did you know? You can kill bacteria by boiling water, but a filter is required to remove heavy metals and
other paniculate matter.

#3. Substitute juicy produce for water while in motion. Most birds drink little, if any water while actually in transit, or the water provided may be spilled. Spillage can be reduced somewhat by using a drinking water bottle, mounted to the travel cage or carrier, but do be aware that birds or the motion of a vehicle can cause these to drain as well. To provide necessary hydration, install a dish of juicy fruit and vegetables inside the travel home. This is especially important when your bird is traveling separately, perhaps in the cargo hold of an airplane.

When traveling by car, offer your pet water from a cup or dish at rest stops…inside your securely closed vehicle, of course! My budgies weren’t inclined to drink or eat produce on our trip, so I misted them with water from a spray bottle several times throughout the day. They preened the moisture from their feathers and licked it from the cage bars. A large, wet lettuce leaf, clipped to the cage bars got their attention on the second day of our journey.

#4. Pack a sufficient supply of seed and pellets in non-breakable containers. Those with screw-on tops are best, as they will not pop off if the container is dropped. Place containers where they will not be subjected to direct sunlight streaming through car windows.

#5. Store perishable food, fruit and vegetables in containers inside a cooler. I seal ice cubes inside resealable plastic bags so the food doesn’t end up under water at day’s end. (I don’t use re-freezable ‘blue ice’ on long trips because after it melts, it’s just excess baggage.) Replenish the ice at the hotel when you stop for the night.

#6. Allow plenty of time for your trip. Check into your motel early in the evening so your bird will have time to settle down, eat and spend a little tune out of its cage. Some birds, like my Senegal parrots, will refuse to eat a morsel of food while inside a car, so it’s important to schedule overnight stops on long trips.

#7. Feed fresh food sparingly before departure. Go easy on the eggs and table food, as a bird with a tendency toward motion sickness may vomit the contents of the full crop. When traveling, I like to awaken early, prepare my birds’ breakfast and allow them tune to eat while I shower and re-pack the car.

You may further reduce the risk of carsickness by covering carriers or cages with a white or light colored cloth while in transit. Birds will be able to perceive daylight, but will not be subjected to the sights of the road. Take your pet on several short drives prior to departing on a long trip so you can observe its reaction. Consult your avian veterinarian for specific advice regarding motion sickness.

#8. One dish filled with seed/pellets and another stocked with fruit and vegetables is all most birds require while on the road. My Amazons followed their regular eating patterns on the road: breakfast at the motel in the morning, then toward dusk, I’d hear the crunching of seed and pellets from the back seat of the car.

#9. Use a mess-containment device to reduce cage fall-out and spillage in your car and in hotels. I use the Mess Catcherfrom Pet Butler (call 800-452-9340 for local retailer or visit a lightweight, clear tray type container for my Amazon’s travel cages, and the wrap-around Birdcage Barrier from Birdbrains™ (888-779-4999 for info) for the smaller birds’ cages. Both are available in a variety of sizes and come in handy at home and away.

#10. Remove hanging toys, treats, swings and other accessories from cages and carriers while traveling. Install dishes securely. Allow your bird to spend time in and on its travel home well before your departure date. Offer a favorite treat or two so your pet will associate the temporary home with something pleasant. My Amazons are still so attached to their travel cages that they insist on spending some time in them every day!

Bon voyage!


Bird Food

Supply of bird’s regular food, seed, pellets and treats.

Fresh food, packed in containers inside cooler.


Box or carrier for bird food and supplies


Re-closeable plastic bags for ice cubes

Sharp knife for cutting fruit & veggies Plastic spoons Small cutting board Vegetable washing solution Anti-microbial soap Unbreakable food containers Bottled water

Electrolyte replacement beverage for birds that suffer from stress while traveling (Pedialyte™ or similar product; consult your avian vet for specific advice)

Portable water filter

Extra dishes for stands or travel cages

Mess containment device for cage or portable stand

Paper towels

Immersion heater or ‘hot pot’ to heat water or baby food.

Thermometer, if you’re feeding baby birds

Small trash bags

Hand-held vacuum

Comments Off on Long Island Pet Expo
05 Mar 11

By Nancy E. Hassel,

The Long Island Pet Expo drew in large crowds from across LI on Saturday, March 5, 2011, and with rain in the forecast for Sunday, expects the same turnout.  There is something for every type of pet or animal lover, whether you like dogs, pot bellied pigs, turtles, snakes, parrots and other wild life – this is the best place to see everything under one roof!

If you are thinking of adding a new pet to be a member of your family – there are rescue groups from all areas of LI with pets that are available for adoption from adorable little Yorkie, cats and kittens, amazing American Pit Bull Terriers, wonderful mixed breeds, ferrets and more.  Stop by each booth and get to know your local rescues, you may just find you new best friend.

One of the sweetest, adorable Pit Bulls looking for a Furever home at the Expo.

There are also fantastic educational shows and demonstrations for kids and families alike, like the Rainforest Reptiles Shows and the Birds of Prey Program.  You will also be oohhh and ahhed watching the flyball, dancing dogs, agility dogs, and the famous poker playing dog “Jilli Dog” and her friends. The bleacher stands were packed full of families watching and cheering on the different shows.  If you love cats, there is a cat show going on at the same time – some cat breeds you may have not seen in person before.  Tons of vendors too – if you are looking to purchase pet products for your pets.

If you were not able to make it today, the Pet Expo is taking place on Sunday, March 6 as well from 10am to 6pm at Suffolk Community College in Brentwood, NY.  For more details, cost and directions click here.  Be sure to pick up your complimentary copy of the ‘Pet Press’ published by the Long Island Press.

Also see Sunday’s schedule below.

SUNDAY – March 6

Dog Ring

10:30 AM       Agility & Frisbee Demonstrations by Doggie U

and LI Road Rage

11:15 AM       Dog Pals Dog Trick Show

12:00 Noon    Classic K9’s

12:45 PM       Dancing with Your Dogs

1:00 PM         Jilli Dog

1:30 PM         Agility and Flyball Demonstrations by Doggie U

and LI Road Rage

2:15 PM         Classic K9

3:00 PM         Dog Pals Dog Trick Show

3:45 PM         Dancing with Dogs

4:15 PM         Classic K9 Dog Show

5:00 PM         Agility, Flyball & Frisbee Demonstrations by  Doggie U

and LI Road Rage


11:00 AM      Rainforest Reptile Show

12:00 Noon   Petland Discounts Traveling Pet Show

12:30 PM      Birds of Prey Program

1:00 PM        Rainforest Reptile Show

1:30 PM        Dog Pals- How to Use Feeding Time to Train your Dog

2:15 PM        Pet Safe Coalition – “Leave No Animal Behind”

3:00 PM        Rainforest Reptile Show

3:30 PM        Petland Discounts Traveling Pet Show

4:00 PM        Birds of Prey Program

5:00 PM        Rainforest Reptile Show

Cat Ring

TICA CAT SHOW 10:00 am will continue all day until conclusion

Comments Off on Animals and Apps
25 Feb 11

Animals and Apps ...

by Pamela Fitzpatrick, of YourDogWalkers,

I recently joined the ranks of the more than 15 million ipad users and stepped into the world of tablet computing.  I am amazed at what the Ipad can do!  Entertainment, productivity, organization;  it is incredible how useful a tool this is.  I am writing this article on my Ipad to test out the word processing functionality. (So far, so good).

Out of curiosity i searched the Apple Itunes store for apps related to “pets” and came up with 128 results.  The majority are games or educational (lots of kids games and cute wallpapers), but there are some interesting and potentially useful ones that petowners might be interested in. I have downloaded some and just read the descriptions of others, so this isn’t a review, just a sampling of what’s out there.

Free apps are the best…Life for Ipad, Humane TV and Daily LOL pets are a few of the free ones I found.  Your preschooler can dress up cartoon cats with Dress Your Cat HD, or feed play and accessorize a puppy (Pet Puppy). Your whole family can enjoy great animal photos on LIFE for Ipad or take the breed quiz on the I know Dogs Breed Guide and quiz game.  Looking for a dog park in NYC?  There’s an app for that. (Long Island would be better, for any app developers out there).

Pet related apps run the gamut; cute, fun, useful, or strange.

Want the security of a barking dog to protect your home? The Barking Dog Home Security App can do that.

For the more organized pet owners among us, there are several options to track your pets medical history and vaccination records.  Check out Dog Medical Agenda for Ipad, I pet Care, or My Dog.  Horse owners may like Horse Medical Agenda for Ipad.

Om Nom?  Can my dog eat it? (or OMG my dog ate it!) looks like a really useful guide either before or after the fact.  i just downloaded it, and at first glance the information looks factual and comprehensive.  Cant be used as a substitute for vet advice, but a handy guide to have.

If you have an Ipad and pet(s) check out the pet and animal apps.  If anyone has any  favorites apps, please let me know.