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14 Aug 12

Dating with your dog? ...

by Nancy E. Hassel,

Have you been looking for love in all the wrong places?  Are you a pet owner and can’t seem to find someone to love you and your pet (and its fur and feathers)?  Well have I may just have the answer for you! Recently, pet and lifestyle expert Charlotte Reed hosted a class at the Hotel Indigo in New York City about just this very topic called, ‘Finding the pet Lover of your Dreams.’

Charlotte who has been married for 5 years, has been often asked how she met her great, cute, and loving husband?  How with her menagerie of cats, dogs, and birds did she manage to find someone to fall in love with, who will also love and deal with her fur children?  After years of telling people how she did it, about 6 months ago she decided to host a class to help others find the pet lover of their lives.

If you are in the pet industry or just the every day dog owner who loves to go to different pet events with your pup, chances are you run into the same crowd all the time.  Charlotte found that to be true for herself, and started going to different places like toastmaster events, (loaded with men, by the way), going to networking events outside of her pet profession and started to meet a lot of different and interesting men.  She would not have normally met, say at the dog park or the gym.  Places most of us are told to look! 

Charlotte stresses, that she always makes sure she looks her best, whether it is in a designer outfit or cute shoes from Payless – and too look good in any situation.  She said, “If you’re going to the dog park in your sweats, you may be less likely to connect with the cute guy across the park when he is dressed to impress.”  The point, when you look good you feel good about yourself and you exude confidence which is attractive to those around you.

The same goes for online dating, put a great and recent picture of yourself – you want to look your best and give your best impression online also.  On a first date, you can mention you own a pet, but keep it short don’t scare away your date with horror stories of your last visit to the vet or that your dog threw up earlier, really not sexy or attractive!

“Have realistic expectations if you have a pet, while you are searching for the person you are dating.  And know the type of person you are and who you are looking for,” said Charlotte Reed.

Make a list of who you are, what your likes are, passionate about, what you do and make one of who you would like to find – your ‘must haves’ in a mate.  But, and this is key, make sure you stack up to your own must haves in your list.  Charlotte said, “Think about it you are expecting a buff guy who has a great body and works out, but you don’t or someone who is sweet, kind and caring and maybe you’re a little selfish – how do you stack up to your own wish list?”

An interesting point that maybe not a lot of people think of when searching for that Pet Lover of their dreams!

Another great point was to be proactive in your dating life.  If you are looking for a mate, but use your pet as an excuse, say I can’t go to that event because of my cat needs to eat or I have to walk the dog – then you may not ever meet the love of your life.  There are lots of pet sitters in New York City that can help take care of your cat while you’re at a new event meeting new people.

Charlotte put it well, “Owning a pet as a lifestyle choice – don’t use your pet as an excuse not to go out. If you want to meet somebody – put the time in.”

The class was jam packed with great information for any singleton pet owner looking to find love.  Lucky for you, Charlotte will be hosting a 5 city tour with her class this fall in the following cities: Atlanta; San Diego; Chicago; New York City; San Francisco and maybe Boston too.  Attendees were also very happy to leave with a goody bag loaded with pet products from:  the Animal Medical Center; Bissell; Hugs Pet Products; Hartz; and World’s Best Cat Litter.

And how did Charlotte meet her Executive Chef of a husband? On a TV set of a news show they were both on that day.  So you never know where you may meet the love of your life.

For more information on Charlotte Reed or the next class in a city near you go to

Comments Off on Pups take over NY Auto Show
12 Apr 12

Pups take over NY Auto Show ...

by Nancy E. Hassel,

Charlotte Reed & James Bell going over the features of the Chevy Volt.

When you think of the New York International Auto Show, the first thing that comes to your mind probably
is not dogs –and is more likely what the new concept car is.  But this year on Wednesday, April 11, 2012, Chevrolet,
in celebration of National Pet Day, teamed up with pet expert Charlotte Reed to talk about safety for our pets while
traveling and versatility for pets in their vehicles.

With many pooches on hand, some even famous in the NYC area, like Cubby and Porscha from ‘Doggie Moms,’ the dogs were ready, willing and able to try out the different Chevy models and all they have to offer our pets.

Cubby (white dog) and friends check out the car!

According to a 2011 AAA/Kurgo survey, nearly six in 10 respondents said they had driven with their dog in the automobile at least once a month in the past year.  But the question is, was the dog on their lap or properly secured in a doggie seatbelt or in a crate?  At the Chevrolet National Pet Day, both Charlotte Reed and James Bell, who is GM’s Head of Consumer Affairs, took us on a tour of different vehicles had to offer what works best for our four-legged friends.

“From subcompact hatchbacks to full-size SUVs, Chevrolet vehicles today provide plenty of choices to meet the needs of owners and pets of all shapes and sizes. To avoid stress, do your homework in advance and make note of your specific pet’s needs and review safety features,” said Charlotte Reed, a pet lifestyle expert.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind for finding a pet-friendly vehicle:

Safety features. According to the 2011 AAA/Kurgo study, three out of 10 pet owners admit
to being distracted while driving. One in five admits to driving with a pet in their lap. The
Chevrolet Equinox, for example, has lane-departure warning systems, stability and traction
control and forward-collision alerts that help heighten driver alertness to possible danger.
Owners can reduce distractions by keeping pets restrained in the back seat with a dog seatbelt or in a secured pet carrier.

Hannah being with her doggie seatbelt on.

Exterior and interior features. Look for vehicles that are wide, tall and slightly square at
the back. This will make it easier to get pets and pet equipment into and out of vehicles.
Cargo room and additional cup holders are useful to stow pet food, water and accessories.
The Chevrolet Traverse crossover sport utility offers best-in-class roominess and class-
leading cargo space. It has flexible and fold-flat seating, as well as a rear cooling system

Talking OnStar capability for a Pet Emergencythat is ideal for pets on a hot summer day.

In-vehicle technology. The Chevrolet Equinox, Traverse and Tahoe SUV offer power lift-gates that make it easier for pets to access the vehicle. They also have fold-flat seats offer more space for transporting pets and crates. Additional safety and security technology such as remote unlock, vehicle location and crash-detection services from OnStar can provide
live help at a touch of a button during pet-emergency situations.

So the next road trip you take with your pet, even if it is just to the local dog park, think safety first (dog seatbelt, crate, secured pet carrier), and look for a car or sport utility that will suit you and your dog’s lifestyle.

Charlotte Reed, James Bell

Chevrolet at NY Auto Show, 2012

Testing the pet ramp

Blade, one happy pup checking out all the rides!


Hannah the model pup for the day!

Charlotte Reed & James Bell, NY Auto Show, 2012