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11 Feb 14

Flying dogs at Westminster! ...

by Nancy E. Hassel,

What a whirlwind of Westminster events in New York City this weekend!  Starting with the first ever Master’s Agility Championship this past Saturday – which was a blur of flying dogs – and as you may have heard there were many mixed breeds competing.  If you have never watched agility in person, I would highly recommend planning to attend the event next year – you won’t be disappointed.  It was so much fun to watch every dog, the super fast ones making it through the course in 30 seconds flat and the older slower dogs meandering through – which was pure entertainment for the crowd.

This American Eskimo dog flew through the course!

This doxie wasn’t too fast and wasn’t too slow.

This dog was Logan, and 11 year old Amercian Staffordshire Terrier, aka pit!

And now we are at the 2nd day at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show – for the evening’s Best in Show.  If you are reading this and have always thought about coming, especially if you are on Long Island or in the tri-state area and can easily get to Madison Square Garden, and you are a dog lover, there is no reason not too attend.  This year there were upwards of 3,000 dogs competing for the coveted title of Best in Show.  This is the 138th annual event of the show – and the excitement in the air is like any of your favorite sporting event.  It is for our love of dogs that bring people from around the world to the event.  I have been to Westminster at least 8 times and look forward to it ever year – for the dogs of course!

Beautiful Irish Setter

Lion or dog? Tibetan Mastiff!

Everyone loves a Golden Retriever

Portuguese Water dog

American Staffordshire Terrier – gorgeous!

New to Westminster this year the Chinook.

To see a lot more pictures click here and some Westminster Dog Breed Trivia click here!

And the Best in Show winner is Sky the Wire Fox Terrier!