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16 Jun 13

ARF Garden Tour in the Hamptons! ...

by Nancy E. Hassel,

It was a spectacular day Saturday June 15, 2013 on the east end of Long Island to take part in the Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons 27th Annual Garden Tour and cocktail reception.  The weather was impeccable just as the gardens were.  After all the rain we have had in the last week, touring estates in East Hampton and their beautiful gardens to help support the wonderful work ARF does on a perfect weather day was fantastic! Plus you get a lot of ideas for your own garden too.

So what is the garden tour? It is a self-guided tour through the properties of 6 estates who’s owners generously open their gates to let people walk through and admire the beauty of their grounds.  From 10 am – 4pm the general public can buy a garden tour pass from ARF to take the lovely self guided tour and all proceeds go to help ARF’s adoptable animals – and continue the great work they do, for nearly 40 years!  The tour happens every year in a different Hamptons location, this year it was in East Hampton and the garden styles vary from house to house and are very unique with native plants and exotic plants too.  See below for more!

This home had beautiful pathways leading up to a spectacular pool complete with a pool house, and paths
beyond it that lead to a tennis court and the rest of the grounds of the house.

Adorable Doxie greeting guests as they arrived!

This year the tour was held at the homes of: Barrie Berg & Antonio Munoz, Dwyer & Michael Derrig,
Alexandra Munroe & Robert Rosenkranz, Jan & Randy Slifka, Craig James Socia, Peter Wilson & Scott Sanders.

We saw one couple do the tour on bike which is a great way to do it, otherwise you have to drive from house to house.
I am thinking next year would be great to view the houses via my bicycle!

Barbara Slifka co-chair of the ARF Garden Tour with Sara Davison Executive Director of ARF

ARF cocktail reception at a home right on Main street in East Hampton village. Many supporters were on
hand as well as the adorable pups below that are available for adoption through ARF.

Marc Fichandler Co-Chair of the Garden Tour with Lynn Lehocky committee member of the Garden Tour

To see MORE Pictures of the tour, click here!
For more information about ARF and to attend the garden tour next year, click here.