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02 Aug 10

Cruisin’ for Companions ...

By Nancy E. Hassel,

Firemen, hot cars and cool dogs all for a great cause!

Calling all hot rod enthusiasts and dog lovers!  There is a really cool event coming up on August 28th in Merrick, a car show and swap meet – but this has a twist, it’s gone to the dogs!  The first annual “Cruisin’ for Canines,” hosted by Vinyl Concepts, a local family owned and operated sign business, will bring together two of mans, (and woman’s) favorite things, cool cars and their four-legged best friends. The best part is all the proceeds from Cruisin’ for Companions will be donated to Forgotten Friends of Long Island Animal Rescue to continue their mission to save pets on Long Island and The North Merrick Fire Department to maintain their volunteer efforts for the community.

Vinyl Concepts decided to create this unique furtastic event for their love of animals. Owners, Joann & Jesse Ferrara adopted both their dogs and they can’t imagine their lives without them.  Joann Ferrara said, “This show will bring people together and continue to save lives of precious animals who have been overlooked and deserve a second chance.”

“Cruisin’ for Companions” will take place on Saturday, August 28th from 9am to 5pm with a rain date of Saturday, September 4th.  The event will be located at Four Towns Training Center (Fireman’s Field) on Merrick Road in Merrick. (Off of exit M9E on the Meadowbrook Pkwy.) This family event will have something for everyone. A mobile pet adoption from Forgotten Friends of Long Island Animal Rescue, judging and trophies for the car participants, doggie contests, all kinds of vendors, professional photography for cars & pets and raffles much more!

Admission for adults is $6.00.  Children are FREE and Pets are FREE.  For Pre-registered car participants the admission fee is $25.00. For same day car participants the admission fee is $30.00.

Long Islander’s love their cars, and their dogs – don’t miss this pawsome event, to benefit two amazing organizations. So come down with your dog for a great cause! Please make sure you’re responsible for pet, by curbing your dog and making sure that they are vaccinated and play good with others.  If you don’t have a four-legged friend, there will be plenty of pets that need a good home available for adoption.  So, open your mind, heart and home to the animals in need.  And heck, there might be some hot firemen there to go along with the hot cars!

For more details on how to register your car for the event or to become a vendor call Joann (516) 804-9461 or go to:

Comments Off on Baby it’s HOT in here!
15 May 10

Baby it’s HOT in here! ...

By Nancy E. Hassel,

Baby it’s HOT in here!

Summertime, summertime, sum-sum-summertime! Summertiiimmmme! Okay so it may not quite be summer yet, but on beautiful warm spring days that hint that summer is coming, our minds turn to the beach, boating, bbq’s and more. One thing many people tend to forget or not even think of is pet safety and heat. It’s seems like common sense to many responsible pet owners, but there are often people who for some reason disregard pet safety in the heat of the summer or maybe they are new pet owners and just don’t know better.

One major concern is pets left in cars. It amazes me year after year, that I still see people on a warm day leaving the windows open a crack and leaving their very furry dogs in the car – while they go into a store. According to a study done by San Francisco University, and another study listed on shows how quickly temps rise during a heat wave. (One of the thermometers used in a study was an actual oven thermometer – that should tell you something). Not to mention if it is humid outside, it doesn’t help matters.

Why not try it yourself, without the dog or any pet for that matter of course. Next time it is a beautiful 75 -80 degrees, go sit in your parked car crack the windows a bit and sit in there for 10 -15 minutes. Don’t cheat and drink water or put the AC on. Now imagine yourself in a fur coat without the ability to sweat. Are you hot yet?

Pet owners should also know if you are caught doing this or someone reports your car with a pet in it to the police, the police have the right to break into to your car with whatever means necessary, call animal control and have your pet seized. You may be issued a summons, arrested for animal cruelty, or more. So the next time you are running up to the supermarket on a hot day, please, please, please leave your pets at home in the AC!

See our next article in a series on other safety issues and tips to keep your pet safe, healthy and happy during the summer months.