07 Jul 10


July 7, 2010
By Pamela Fitzpatrick, of YourDogWalkers, shihtzu58@optonline.net


For pet owners, a heat wave like the one we’re currently experiencing requires taking extra care to ensure pet safety. NEVER leave any animal inside a parked car during the summer- a car can heat up to 120 degrees in just a matter of minutes even on a much cooler day than today. Leaving car windows open wont help! Pets can quickly suffer heatstroke, brain damage, and death if left trapped in high temperatures.

Make sure your dog or cat has plenty of fresh, clean water at all times. Consider floating ice cubes in water bowls to help keep the water cool. Keep animals inside, in air conditioning if possible. If you don’t have air conditioning, try placing a large bowl of ice in front of a fan to circulate cooler air.

Dogs are particularly susceptible to heat related problems, in part because they can only cool themselves by panting and sweating through their paw pads. Short nosed breeds, (Boxers, Pugs, Pekinese, Shih Tzu’s etc) and well as longhaired, overweight, and very young or old animals are especially at risk

Signs of heat stress in dogs include:

  • Heavy Panting
  • Glazed Eyes
  • Rapid Pulse
  • Unsteadiness
  • Vomiting
  • Deep red or purple tongue

If your pet does become overheated, you must act quickly to lower their body temperature!

Move the animal into the shade and immediately apply cool (not cold) water over their body to gradually lower the temperature The dog should be taken to the veterinarian’s office or to an emergency veterinary clinic immediately. Most dogs will not drink water at this stage of heat stroke, so don’t waste time trying to get them to drink. Get to the vet’s as quickly as possible.

Remember, if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your pet!

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