by Nancy E. Hassel,
Just the other day our friends at Newsday did a nice article about the most popular breed of dog on Long Island, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC). But I think the article was not quite accurate. Many people who have dogs, who are AKC registry worthy, meaning they were from an official AKC dog breeder and they have ‘papers’ for the dog – doesn’t mean they actually registered their dog with the AKC. For example, I had a beautiful Doberman who was from a fantastic Long Island Doberman breeder and I had her AKC papers (which I still have) but I never registered her because I had her spayed and never bred her. I am sure that is the case with many pure bred dog owners here on LI.
There are also a lot of dogs adopted through rescue groups that may or may not be a pure breed dog – that are also not registered through the AKC – so they were also not accounted for in the article either. Newsday listed, according to the AKC most registered dog breeds, the top 10 on Long Island:
1. Labrador Retriever; 2. Golden Retriever; 3. German Shepherd; 4. Bulldog; 5. Rottweiler; 6. Poodle; 7. Boxer; 8. Yorkie; 9. Shih Tzu; and the 10. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
And while I suspect there are a ton of Labrador Retrievers, Goldens and Bulldogs on LI – what about other really popular dog breeds like the American Pit Bull Terrier, (or for you dog fancy people, The American Staffordshire Terrier), I am pretty sure there are a lot of lucky pit bulls owned in loving homes, like my own Max on LI. Other breeds I seem to see everywhere I go are Chihuahua’s, Shelties, Jack Russell Terriers (Parson Russell’s if you will), and Doxie’s – their not on the list either. Hmmm
So if you have a dog that is not registered in with the AKC, is a mixed breed or you have adopted – we want to know about him or her too! Please take our 1 question survey here and tell us what kind of dog you have! Let’s see if we can get a more accurate account of the diverse dog breeds on LI.
March 8th, 2012 at 4:30 pm
So far American Pit Bull Terriers on are in the lead of dog breeds owned here on Long Island, NY! Don’t let your breed get left out answer the survey above – you must LIVE on LI to answer.