20 May 15

Rescued Pit Bull helps Marine ...

Memorial Day weekend has crept up on us early this year, and with the unofficial kickoff to summer, BBQ’s, celebrating with friends, family and of course our pets – please take just a moment to think of, and thank our veterans who protect our country and freedom and keep us safe.  And to those two-legged and four-legged who we remember and memorialize those military who have passed, thank you.

A couple of week’s ago I was fortunate enough to attend a press conference at the Town of Islip Animal Shelter and Adopt-a-Pet Center who recently worked with the Long Island branch of the national non-profit organization Pets for Vets.  Pets for Vets rescued one of the dogs at the shelter, Ariel a Pit Bull, now named Bella to bring into their program. After working with Bella to train and socialize her, and with her very sweet personality, they have already placed her in a forever home with Marine Lance Corporal Robert.

Bella is already providing Robert with comfort, helping him get back out into society – he has to walk her after all – and helping him cope with PTSD that he suffers from.  Robert is very soft spoken, but you can see how proud he is of Bella and how happy he is since having her in his life.

“It is imprerative to ensure that our veterans and our animals are treated with the utmost respect and compassion and we are so proud to be part of theis adoption,” said Islip Councilman Anthony Senft.  “Being a veteran myself, I can fully appreciate all that Pets for Vets is accomplishing and am proud to know that our Town shelter is working towards such an important goal.”

Heidi Hoistad, Head Trainer for Pets for Vets Long Island NYC

I spoke with Heidi Hoistad, Head Trainer for Pets for Vets Long Island NYC and Bella’s trainer, during the press conference about how wonderful it is that they picked Bella, an American Pit Bull Terrier, how wonderful it is for the breed, and for people to see that pit bulls are after all, just dogs.  Heidi agreed and she said they look for dogs that will be a right fit, have great temperments and had a couple of the smaller breed dogs that were at Islip in mind for another veteran.  So it doesn’t matter the size or breed of the dog, but how the dog is going to postively impact a veteran’s, (and his family’s), life.  And a dog being rescued for this is the icing on the cake in my opinion!

Bella and her new family were presented with a basket full of dog toys, treats and goodies, donated by the Islip Animal Shelter’s non-profit volunteer group, Live Love Bark Dog Rescue.  The shelter will also be offereing freed pet adoptions to veterans during the month of May where Live Love Bark will be paying adoption fees for anyoe with military ID.

Bella dove right into to the basket pulling treats and toys out and stealing the show – while we were all cracking up laughing at her sweet antics. What an awesome dog!

Marine Lance Corporal Robert and his wife Mary, with Bella the dog.

Bella is a beautiful, low rider. 😉

Marine Lance Corporal Robert and his wife Mary, with Bella the dog.

To learn more about Pets for Vets please visit their website or facebook page and for info about the Islip Animal Shelter visit their facebook page and to learn more about Live Love Bark Dog Rescue or make a donation so they can continue helping, click here.

Have a happy and safe Memorial Day everyone!

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