by Nancy E. Hassel,
While the summer winds down, kids go back to school, and the air changes – we look back this summer to some great ‘Summer Pets’ pictures submitted by their owners. I personally love September and the gorgeous weather it usually offers. It is a great month to get out there with your pets and enjoy the many events it has to offer. So if you have had a busy summer, and your two-legged kids are back in their schedules – it’s time to spend quality time with your pets! Thanks to everyone who submitted photo’s – see below and check our Facebook page to see more. Happy September!

This is Lotus Flower, a rescued pitbull. She absolutely loves to swim, her nickname is the pitfish! This is of Lotus with her box turtle friend at the pond behind my house in Jamesport, NY. Photograph by Devon Shepherd.

This is Penny-Lane Russo & she just adores butterflies! Her mom, Rose Russo who took this lovely picture, planted this butterfly bush for her birthday, how sweet!

This was a senior terrier mix we met who scaled the 128 steps down to the beach on the North Fork to go swimming! Taken by

the lovely Bocker Labradoodle! When Bocker is not out doing tons of Pet Therapy work or attending many different pet events with his mom Marie, he is hanging out and relaxing in Hampton Bays, NY! Photo taken by his mom Marie!

Titus couldn't wait to get off the Ferry and explore Ocean Beach, Fire Island, NY! So much fun with Titus & Hailey that day! Photo by

This beautiful parrot was at a pet fair with the Long Island Parrot Society! Taken by

This donkey who was lucky enough to be adopted - was with his donkey sibling and human mom at the Pony Swim on the North Fork! Photo by
Many more Summer Pets PHOTOS here!
Enjoy! And thanks to their pet parents for giving them such fun filled lives!