12 Oct 12

You know what October is? ...

by Nancy E. Hassel, LIPetPlace.com

By now if you are in the pet industry, you’ve known for quite a while that October is Adopt-a-Shelter Dog Month, and it is now also Pit Bull Awareness month. But to the average Joe, someone who may own a family dog but isn’t engrossed in the pet industry or rescue, what does Adopt-A-Shelter Dog month really mean to them and the rest of the world?

Plain and simple – Adopt-A-Shelter Dog Month is a month to bring awareness to the general public about getting them to think of going to their local shelter to adopt a dog. Personally I see the month as a way to educate the general public about how many dogs there are available locally at their own town municipal shelters and private shelters. I would love to see more people open their minds, hearts and eyes to shelters dogs and see that they make amazing pets. And to educate themselves about why they should not buy puppies in puppy stores.

In the past four Pet Events Newsletter I have been featuring Asia, a complete sweetheart of a pit mix with two different colored eyes, who loves people, kids, and dogs. Asia has been at the Town of Islip Animal and Adopt-a-Shelter Center for 19 months (that’s a year and 7 months people). They take great care of her, and she is even a little chubby, but she came into the shelter very preggers gave birth to her pups which of course were all adopted quickly, and she remains. If I could take her, I would – I went to visit her not to long ago and she was so silly in her kennel when
I was talking to her it was a riot, I was cracking up laughing her ‘please adopt me antics’ she was doing.  She is a very good dog – and was even featured on News 12 this morning. I really hope someone opens their home and hearts for this sweet girl.

The Town of Islip is having their Annual Adopt-a-thon tomorrow, Saturday, October 13, from 11am – 3pm at the shelter (210 S. Denver Avenue, Bay Shore, NY 11706) with a ton of vendors, music and of course TONS of adoptable pets. They are also announcing who will be the lucky family to bring Joey the pit pull puppy home who had over 100 applications for his adoption. LINK. I really hope in honor of Joey that the hundreds of people who applied to be his new family will go into the shelter and take the time to meet some of the dogs, cats, and bunnies there waiting for love.

There have been adopt-a-thons going on all across the country and right here on LI. Another upcoming fun offsite adoption for Kent Animal Shelter will take place on Saturday, October 27, 2012 from 11am to 3pm at Westhampton Pet (29 Riverhead Road in Westhampton Beach – Exit 63 off of Sunrise highway south). They will have dogs available for adoption. Bring your dog down to visit dressed in their best HOWL-O-Ween costume and a prize will be awarded for best dressed dog!

October may be Adopt-A-Shelter Dog month – but any chance you can get to go to your local shelter and meet a potential new family member, take it, you won’t be disappointed. A lot of adoptive pet parents and rescuers can tell you that somehow the dogs ‘know’ that you are their new person. It’s true – and you will be much happier with your decision knowing you are adopting and taking a dog home out of a loud, stressful environment to live he or she was meant to live. By your side!

Photo credit: Veterinary Medical Center of Long Island

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