03 May 10

Free Dog Training Class ...

May 3, 2010
By Nancy E. Hassel, LIPetPlace.com

Did you know that the Town of Islip offers a FREE! Dog Education & Training Class?  Entering into the 3rd year of offering this service to its residents and non-residents, the class is offered completely free of charge. What’s the catch? Attendees are rewarded for coming with a goody bag, i.e. doggie bag, loaded with treats and learning materials for owners and their dogs. This class is geared as a one-time only class, (although there have been some repeat attendees), and covers many important topics by local dog experts such as: basic training advice and techniques; puppy and dog behavior; dog park etiquette; health and well being; and NYS dog laws. 

However, this class is for people only, dogs are not permitted in the class. Why? Because this is a class aimed to teach and educate humans on how to better understand their dogs, their dog’s behavior, learn about training tools – taught by trainers with over 20-years experience – and help deter owner turn-in rates at local shelters. Many dogs relinquished to animal shelters are due to the owners’ lack of understanding to a dog’s particular behavior or ‘problem.’ Many times it is a simple fix, (training, or education on the owners part), and the owners are the ones that need to learn how to help the dog. (Sometimes what an owner thinks is a ‘problem,’ is just a natural dog behavior!) 

The class offers tips and techniques, insight on normal dog behavior, health and nutrition issues and so much more. The class is a lot of fun, and there is always a lot of laughter, note taking and of course learning. Believe it or not, the class has had dog owners from all walks of life, levels of dog experience and participant age ranges have been from 6 to 86!  Over 700 participants have come to the class over the last two years. This class may be free for the attendee, but a lot of work, dedication and love is put into each class to help anyone who may have a dog issue or who just wants to learn. (Please remember that when RSVPing!) 

Parents are encouraged to bring children 10 and up, although there have been younger participants. Children tend to be very interactive in the class, and often whisperers of, “See Mom, I told you that,” are heard! 

The Town of Islip offers this class once-a-month, with the next class on Wednesday, May 12, from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. Local excellent dog trainers from either Doggie U K9 Academy (www.doggieuk9.com) or Dog Training-101 (www.dogtraining-101.net)  and often a guest speaker or veterinarian are on hand as well.  An RSVP is required as space is limited for each class. To reserve your seat call (631) 224-5660 or email Nancy@LongIslandPetProfessionals.com

Classes are sponsored by: The Town of Islip and Invisible Fence (www.caninefence.com).

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