22 Jul 10

Horse Rescue, hidden gem in the Hamp ...

By Nancy E. Hassel, LIPetPlace.com

What’s in a horse rescue?  Why do we even need a horse rescue?  Well if you are not sure of those answers, you have to read this.  In the US, horses are still being shipped off for slaughter across our borders to Canada and Mexico, for consumption in other countries. As disturbing as that is, we are very fortunate to have a horse rescue on Long Island, in which the founder of this NFP works tirelessly day and night to ensure the rescues she has in her barn have the best life.  With 55 horses currently in her care, Christine Distefano of Amaryllis Farm Equine Rescue goes more than out of her way to make the horses healthy, safe, loved, comfortable and amazingly well cared for.  Along with her daughter, Rachel, the ASPCA Kid of the Year 2007 and a handful of volunteers, the hardest part is not just raising awareness of horses in need, but raising funds.  You would think living in the affluent area of Sagaponack – that it would be easier to do so, but it is simply not the case.

To hear the stories of how one horse came in with long hooves and could barely stand, starved and it’s previous owner ready to send it to slaughter, is heartbreaking.  But to see this beautiful creature today, you would never know it had that background.  There are numerous stories like that, and if it wasn’t for Christine and her crew, who knows what would have happened to these equines.

Amaryllis opened the Island’s first horse sanctuary.  In total, 8 locations throughout the East End are at full capacity with grateful, though homeless horses.  Many are aged and can no longer carry a human.  And who wants a horse they can’t ride?  Well I would take one if I could after seeing them, absolutely gorgeous and I couldn’t tell from a layman (or laywomen thank you very much) that they had any ailments.  I have been riding my entire life, but I am not an expert.

So what can you do?  Why not send an email to christine@amaryllisfarm.com and inquire as to volunteer opportunities?! Recently there were over 2,000 people at the Extreme Makeover Home Edition pep rally, many people were disappointed that they didn’t get called to volunteer, so why not keep it local and help out Amaryllis?   Or if you are fortunate enough to help out financially please do so.

This amazing, special place to see these beautiful animals so well cared for will do wonders for you.  And the goat there is pretty comical.  They also often have events, petting farm days and pony rides on Sundays so it is a great place to bring your family.

Visit the site www.amaryllisfarm.com

One of the horses in the Sanctuary, what a beauty!

Check out this slide show of more pictures taken at Amaryllis:


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